Fresh Blueberry 125 g


Fresh Blueberry 125 g

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About the Product

Perfect small globes of juicy berries that are plump, smooth-skinned, and blue in color have a flavor that is mostly sweet and somewhat tangy.

This premium-grade, mouthwatering blueberry cultivar is an import from our company.


Antioxidant content is high in blueberries.

They lessen the chance of developing diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
beneficial for shedding pounds and keeping your skin and hair healthy.

Storage and Uses

Berries shouldn’t be washed under running water since the pressure could cause them to break. Let the berries drain after dipping them in a bowl of cold water.
They should be kept out of direct sunlight in a cool, dry location. To give them a crisp flavor, chill them 30 minutes before using.
used for table use, as a topping for salads, etc. They can also be blended into milkshakes and smoothies.
Blueberry Pops: To create these tangy frozen pops, chop fresh blueberries and combine with sugar, water, and a little lemon juice.